A letter from our Community Engagement Manager, Jennifer Marquette
As one of the few providers who kept their hygiene centers open since the beginning of the pandemic, Compass has worked hard to make sure that all our guests and clients have had all that they need while using our services. As we move into fall, we find ourselves with rapidly emptying shelves.
The good news is that you can help.
The hotel shampoo and conditioner bottles that you collect on your trips and donate to our hygiene supplies might be small, but they add up! Throughout 2020 and into this year, as travel came to a halt, so did this small but steady trickle of hotel hygiene items. With travel still slow, our storage bins are now empty.
We also need quilts and pillowcases for our shelters. Normally, church groups are a steady supplier with handmade quilting groups. Because of COVID, those groups haven’t been able to meet and our supply has dwindled.
With all of that said, we need help stocking the shelves! As you are out shopping for the Labor Day Holiday sales, it’s a great time to add a few extra items to your cart!

You can find our Amazon Wishlist here or purchase things in-store and bring them to our office in South Lake Union.
If you are mailing items directly to us, please mail to:
Compass Housing Alliance
c/o Marquette
77 S Washington Street
Seattle, WA 98104
Thank you.
If you would like to drop things off, please schedule an appointment with our Community Engagement Manager Jennifer Marquette. As many staff members are working remotely part of the week, it is important to make sure you’ve scheduled a drop-off and had it confirmed!
You can reach Jennifer at jmarquette@compasshousingalliance.org